About I.O.D.A.
A series for the drivers, run by drivers.
Established in 2022, the International Off-road Drivers Association is one like no other. At its core, I.O.D.A was created to be a driver run organization. We pride ourselves in being a transparent series for the drivers, run by drivers. As a racer, your voice and opinion matters to us. We aim to be an affordable, safety focused, and family oriented series. All money will remain within the series to provide consistent improvements going forward.
The I.O.D.A. board is a group of determined individuals that will work tirelessly to make this series a success for not only us, but for the drivers, owners, and fans for many years to come. As a new series, we appreciate your patience as we learn and grow. Please contact our team with any questions you may have.
Class Rep information can be found here.